Selling an enterprise for many proprietors is really important decision. It’s an important and exciting event – comparable to the creation and development of business. The desire to get a good price, but also “handing the business in the right hands” – the ones that will ensure further development, employees and culture of the company – those are the most common conditions set by the owners.

We have this in mind. We are looking for the right partner who will offer the best price. We are approaching the sale of the company comprehensively. We help in planning every step of the process. We are preparing an information memorandum. We are building a competitive sales process. A process aimed at finding the best buyer – an investor who sees and takes into account the synergies between the two businesses. This approach makes it possible to obtain the optimum conditions for the conversion of the company into liquid assets and the continuation of the business by the buyer.

Our first step is a detailed analysis of the company, which allows us to determine the possible sales value, identify arguments for price increases and identify potential risk areas. Based on our resources and business relationships, we prepare a list of potential buyers – local and (or) foreign, but always tailored to your business profile.
Our model of operation also ensures complete confidentiality in relation to customers, suppliers and employees.