For companies that are planning to debut on the stock exchange but also for the ones already listed in the alternative trading system, we have introduced our authorized advisors – NewConnect and Catalyst.

As part of the basic activities of an authorized advisor, we verify the issuer’s willingness to make a debut and the correctness of the documentation in terms of ASO regulations. We prepare the owners, management and employees to operate in a public company. We offer support in fulfilling reporting obligations. We advise on current issues regarding the functioning of the alternative system.

Being an authorized consultant of the company, we are acquainted with its basics. We are up to date with what happens there. We understand it. This knowledge can be used to extend our role. Preparation of analytical reports containing analysis and commentary about events in the company or consultations about planned business decisions for investors – these are just some examples.

The NewConnect market is often only a stop on the way to the regulated market. We prepare companies with such plans to standards applicable there.

Equity Advisors acted as an authorized advisor for Telemedycyna Polska S.A., in terms of introducing shares series E – the project was implemented in 2024 and in terms of introducing shares series D – the project was implemented in 2021. In the years 2012 – 2015 we performed the tasks of an authorized advisor for Motoricus S.A., in the years 2016 – 2017 for Tower Investments S.A., in the years 2012 – 2019 for Techmadex S.A. and in the years 2018 – 2020 for  Carbon Studio S.A.

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