Summary 2010-2016 and forecasts 2017-2020
Valuation of companies, mergers and acquisitions, trends, forecasts
January 2017

The packaging market value has been systematically growing for over a decade. The market includes both global players as well as smaller companies competing with one another in various market segments. For these reasons, the industry is subject to strong consolidation trends.

The purpose of this study is to present the valuations of the companies in the packaging industry. We started with the analysis of public companies in Poland. To obtain a more complete image of the market, we have also included countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the analysis. A very diverse packaging industry was the most strongly represented on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, on which 9 companies have been listed. Our analysis included the valuations of private companies as well. The valuations of entities included in the report have been presented through merger and acquisition transactions that occurred on the market between 2010 and 2016 in Central and Eastern Europe.

The report covers the characteristics of packaging industry in Poland including conditions of competitiveness in sectors such as „plastic”, „paper”, „metal”, „glass”, „wood”. In addition, it includes a discussion on the market concentration, consolidation trends and presented forecasts until 2020. Our analysis has been conducted on the basis of the financial data for the years 2012-2015.

The report will be a useful tool for:
– assessment of the potential of market development
– assessment of the competitive position of current or planned activities
– creation of an effective strategy for the coming years
– estimation of the value of companies.

In report you will find information about:
– performance of the Index Packaging in relation to WIG, WIG20 and sWIG80
– the market multiples for the companies in the packaging market in Poland
– M&A transactions in the packaging market in CEE between 2010 and 2016
– market concentration, consolidation trends, and growth forecasts up to 2020.

We hope that you enjoy our report and that it will be for you an interesting source of information. We also hope that for those outside of the industry it will be helpful in understanding the packaging market.

The report was prepared by the Equity Advisors team.

To order the report, please contact us by e-mail: