Loglab sp. z o.o.
In the fourth quarter of 2017, the company Loglab sp. z o.o. obtained funding for the project “Text dialogue system for communication with an online grocery store”. The value of the entire financing project is PLN 2 million, part of which is co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development from the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020.
Equity Advisors acted as the issuer’s advisor in the process of obtaining financing for company’s contribution.
Loglab sp. z o.o. is engaged in the design and implementation of e-commerce solutions. The subject of the Company’s special interests are chatbots, which thanks to their potential begin to revolutionize the way of communication with clients. Solutions based on chatbots implemented on the markets were successful, among others, in the field of taxi booking, bill payment, or sending text messages using voice commands.
The project implemented by Loglab will focus on issues related to communication in the area of food. The text dialogue system will be implemented by the Company’s team, composed of people with many years of experience in the field of building complex knowledge bases or data analysis.