Exact Systems S.A.

In September 2015, after several months of intensive preparation, Exact Systems bought two companies from the German company: Control + Rework Service Polska sp. z o.o. (EUR 5,68 million) and Control + Rework Service NV based in Belgium (EUR 1,5 million). The transaction was aimed at strengthening Exact Systems’ position on the Polish market and entering the Belgian market.

Equity Advisors was the leading advisor to the Buyer, responsible for the buy-side consulting, including the selection and advice on the acquisition targets, negotiations of agreements, as well as coordination of the whole process.

Exact Systems has been operating since 2004. And is now a leading provider of solutions for quality control or selection, repair and sorting of parts, components and finished products for the automotive sector. The main customers of the company are suppliers and sub-suppliers for the automotive industry and car manufacturers. The company`s customers are also establishments engaged in the mass production of electronic industry, household appliances and cosmetics. The company currently has offices in over a dozen countries. The Exact Systems Group currently employs several thousand people, which delegates to work with its customers, using extensive structure of 35 offices operating throughout Europe.

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